Source code for pytan3.api_clients

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Clients for making API requests to Tanium."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import six
import warnings

from . import exceptions
from .. import utils

""":obj:`str`: Default :class:`ApiClient` name to load in :func:`load`."""

""":obj:`str`: Default :class:`ApiClient` type to load in :func:`load_type`."""

WSDL_PATH = "/libraries/taniumjs/console.wsdl"
""":obj:`str`: URL path to find console.wsdl in :func:`get_wsdl`."""

warnings.simplefilter(action="once", category=exceptions.GetPlatformVersionWarning)
# only warn once about issues getting the platform version

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ApiClient(object): """Abstract base class for all ApiClients."""
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_name(cls): """Get the ref name of this class for use by :func:`load`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_type(cls): """Get the ref type of this class for use by :func:`load_type`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_version_req(cls): """Get the min, max, and eq version requirements of this class. Notes: Dict can specify keys: "vmin", "vmax", "veq". This class method gets called by :func:`pytan3.utils.versions.version_check_obj_req` to perform version checks. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
@abc.abstractproperty def auth_method(self): """Get the AuthMethod for this object. Returns: :obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractproperty def http_client(self): """Get the HTTP Client for this object. Returns: :obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractproperty def url(self): """Get the URL from :attr:`ApiClient.http_client`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractproperty def version(self): """Get the platform version from :attr:`ApiClient.config`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractproperty def config(self): """Get the deserialized config.json from :attr:`ApiClient.url`. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractproperty def info(self): """Get the deserialized info.json from :attr:`ApiClient.url`. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Soap(ApiClient): """Client for making SOAP API requests to Tanium."""
[docs] def __init__(self, http_client, auth_method, ver_check=True, lvl="info"): """Constructor. Args: http_client (:obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient`): Object for sending HTTP requests. auth_method (:obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod`): Object for sending login and logout requests. ver_check (:obj:`bool`, optional): Perform version checks against the platform version from :attr:`ApiClient.version` using :func:`pytan3.utils.versions.version_check_obj_req`. Defaults to: True. lvl (:obj:`str`, optional): Logging level for this object. Defaults to: "info". """ self.log = utils.logs.get_obj_log(obj=self, lvl=lvl) """:obj:`logging.Logger`: Log for this object.""" self._auth_method = auth_method self._http_client = http_client if ver_check and any(self.get_version_req().values()): utils.versions.version_check_obj_req( version=self.version, src=self.url, obj=self )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show object info. Returns: :obj:`str` """ bits = ["url={!r}".format(self.url), "type={!r}".format(self.get_type())] bits = "({})".format(", ".join(bits)) cls = "{c.__module__}.{c.__name__}".format(c=self.__class__) return "{cls}{bits}".format(cls=cls, bits=bits)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Show object info. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def __call__(self, data, timeout=30, **kwargs): """Get response of POST of data to /soap and return a response object. Args: data (:obj:`str`): Body to send in request. timeout (:obj:`int`, optional): Response timeout. Defaults to: 30. **kwargs: cause (:obj:`str`): String to explain purpose of request. Defaults to: "". headers (:obj:`dict`): Headers to send in request. Defaults to: {}. Returns: :obj:`requests.Response` """ headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) or {} headers.update(self.auth_method.token_headers) r = self.http_client( method="post", path="/soap", data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, cause=kwargs.pop("cause", ""), ) return r
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): """Get the ref name of this object for use by :func:`load`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ name = "soap" return name
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): """Get the ref type of this object for use by :func:`load_type`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return "soap"
[docs] @classmethod def get_version_req(cls): """Get the min, max, and eq version requirements of this class. Notes: Dict can specify keys: "vmin", "vmax", "veq". This class method gets called by :func:`pytan3.utils.versions.version_check_obj_req` to perform version checks. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return {"vmin": "", "vmax": "", "veq": ""}
@property def auth_method(self): """Get the AuthMethod for this object. Returns: :obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod` """ return self._auth_method @property def http_client(self): """Get the HTTP Client for this object. Returns: :obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient` """ return self._http_client @property def url(self): """Get the URL from :attr:`ApiClient.http_client`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.http_client.url @property def version(self): """Get the platform version from :attr:`ApiClient.config`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ if not getattr(self, "_version", None): self._version = get_version(self.http_client) return self._version @property def config(self): """Get the deserialized config.json from :attr:`ApiClient.url`. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return get_config(self.http_client) @property def info(self): """Get the deserialized info.json from :attr:`ApiClient.url`. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return self.http_client( method="get", path="/info.json", headers=self.auth_method.token_headers, timeout=15, ).json()
[docs]class Rest(ApiClient): """Client for making REST API requests to Tanium for versions 7.3 and above."""
[docs] def __init__(self, http_client, auth_method, ver_check=True, lvl="info"): """Constructor. Args: http_client (:obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient`): Object for sending HTTP requests. auth_method (:obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod`): Object for sending login and logout requests. ver_check (:obj:`bool`, optional): Perform version checks against the platform version from :attr:`ApiClient.version` using :func:`pytan3.utils.versions.version_check_obj_req`. Defaults to: True. lvl (:obj:`str`, optional): Logging level for this object. Defaults to: "info". """ self.log = utils.logs.get_obj_log(obj=self, lvl=lvl) """:obj:`logging.Logger`: Log for this object.""" self._auth_method = auth_method self._http_client = http_client if ver_check and any(self.get_version_req().values()): utils.versions.version_check_obj_req( version=self.version, src=self.url, obj=self )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show object info. Returns: :obj:`str` """ bits = ["url={!r}".format(self.url), "type={!r}".format(self.get_type())] bits = "({})".format(", ".join(bits)) cls = "{c.__module__}.{c.__name__}".format(c=self.__class__) return "{cls}{bits}".format(cls=cls, bits=bits)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Show object info. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def __call__(self, endpoint, method="get", data=None, timeout=30, **kwargs): """Get response of request of method to /api/v$version/$endpoint?$params. Args: endpoint (:obj:`str`): Endpoint of rest api method (:obj:`str`, optional): Method to use in request. Defaults to: "get". data (:obj:`str`, optional): Body to send in request. Defaults to: None timeout (:obj:`int`, optional): Response timeout. Defaults to: 30. **kwargs: cause (:obj:`str`): String to explain purpose of request. Defaults to: "". headers (:obj:`dict`): Headers to send in request. Defaults to: {}. version (:obj:`int`): Version of REST API. Defaults to: 2. params (:obj:`dict`): Params to send encoded in URL. Defaults to: {}. Returns: :obj:`requests.Response` """ headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) or {} headers.update(self.auth_method.token_headers) version = kwargs.get("version", self.rest_version) r = self.http_client( method=method, data=data, path="/api/v{v}/{e}".format(v=version, e=endpoint), params=kwargs.pop("params", {}) or {}, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, cause=kwargs.pop("cause", ""), ) return r
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): """Get the ref name of this object for use by :func:`load`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ name = "rest" return name
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): """Get the ref type of this object for use by :func:`load_type`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return "rest"
[docs] @classmethod def get_version_req(cls): """Get the min, max, and eq version requirements of this class. Notes: Dict can specify keys: "vmin", "vmax", "veq". This class method gets called by :func:`pytan3.utils.versions.version_check_obj_req` to perform version checks. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return {"vmin": "7.3.314.3409", "vmax": "", "veq": ""}
@property def rest_version(self): """Get the API version to use when communicating with the REST API. Returns: :obj:`int` """ return 2 @property def auth_method(self): """Get the AuthMethod for this object. Returns: :obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod` """ return self._auth_method @property def http_client(self): """Get the HTTP Client for this object. Returns: :obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient` """ return self._http_client @property def url(self): """Get the URL from :attr:`ApiClient.http_client`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.http_client.url @property def version(self): """Get the platform version from :attr:`ApiClient.config`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ if not getattr(self, "_version", None): self._version = get_version(self.http_client) return self._version @property def config(self): """Get the deserialized config.json from :attr:`ApiClient.url`. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return get_config(self.http_client) @property def info(self): """Get the deserialized info.json from :attr:`ApiClient.url`. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return self.http_client( method="get", path="/info.json", headers=self.auth_method.token_headers, timeout=15, ).json()
[docs]def get_version(http_client): """Get serverVersion key from :func:`get_config`. Args: http_client (:obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient`): Object for sending HTTP request. Raises: :exc:`exceptions.GetPlatformVersionWarning`: On error getting serverVersion key. Returns: :obj:`str` """ cause = "Get platform version" try: return get_config(http_client=http_client, cause=cause)["serverVersion"] except Exception as exc: error = "Failed to get server version from url {url!r}, error: {exc}" error = error.format(url=http_client.url, exc=exc) warnings.warn(error, exceptions.GetPlatformVersionWarning) return ""
[docs]def get_wsdl(http_client): """Get response of GET to /libraries/taniumjs/console.wsdl. Args: http_client (:obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient`): Object for sending HTTP request. Returns: :obj:`str` """ path = WSDL_PATH return http_client(method="get", path=path, timeout=5).text
[docs]def get_config(http_client, cause=""): """Get response of GET to /config/console.json. Args: http_client (:obj:`pytan3.http_client.HttpClient`): Object for sending HTTP request. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ path = "/config/console.json" return http_client(method="get", path=path, timeout=5, cause=cause).json()
[docs]def load_type(obj=DEFAULT_TYPE): """Get a :class:`ApiClient` by type from :meth:`ApiClient.get_type`. Args: obj (:obj:`str`, optional): ApiClient type to load. Defaults to: :data:`DEFAULT_TYPE`. Raises :exc:`exceptions.ModuleError`: Unable to find a valid :class:`ApiClient` with the supplied type. Returns: :class:`ApiClient` """ exp_cls = ApiClient classes = exp_cls.__subclasses__() for cls in classes: if cls.get_type() == obj: return cls valids = list({x.get_type() for x in classes}) error = "\n ".join( ["", "{obj!r} is not a valid type of {cls}, try one of:", "types: {valids}"] ) error = error.format(obj=obj, cls=exp_cls, valids=valids) raise exceptions.ModuleError(error)
[docs]def load(obj=DEFAULT_NAME): """Get a :class:`ApiClient` by name from :meth:`ApiClient.get_name`. Args: obj (:obj:`str` or :obj:`ApiClient` or :class:`ApiClient`, optional): ApiClient object, class, or name. Defaults to: :data:`DEFAULT_NAME`. Raises :exc:`exceptions.ModuleError`: Unable to find a valid :class:`ApiClient` with the supplied name. Returns: :class:`ApiClient` """ exp_cls = ApiClient classes = exp_cls.__subclasses__() if isinstance(obj, exp_cls): return obj.__class__ if callable(obj) and issubclass(obj, exp_cls): return obj if isinstance(obj, six.string_types): for cls in classes: if cls.get_name() == obj: return cls vnames = [x.get_name() for x in classes] error = "\n ".join( ["", "{obj!r} is not a valid {cls}, try one of:", "names: {vn}"] ) error = error.format(obj=obj, cls=exp_cls, vn=vnames) raise exceptions.ModuleError(error)