Source code for pytan3.api_models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Models for Python objects in Tanium's API."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import operator
import re
import six
import warnings

from . import exceptions

float_types = (float,)
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: Float types."""

integer_types = six.integer_types
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: Integer types."""

string_types = six.string_types
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: String types."""

simple_types = tuple(list(integer_types) + list(string_types) + list(float_types))
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: All types that should be considered simple types."""

[docs]class ApiModel(object): """Base class for all models in the API.""" API_NAME = None """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = None """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = None """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = None """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = None """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = None """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Added to :attr:`API_STR` in str.""" T_ATTR_REPR = "{attr}={value!r}" """:obj:`str`: Template for simple attrs in str and all attr in repr.""" T_ATTR_STR = "{attr}={value}" """:obj:`str`: Template for complex attrs in str.""" T_ATTR_JOIN = ", " """:obj:`str`: String used to join attr vals in str and repr.""" T_CLS_STR = "{obj.__class__.__name__}({attrs})" """:obj:`str`: Template for class name and attrs in str.""" T_CLS_REPR = "{obj.__class__.__name__}({attrs})" """:obj:`str`: Template for class name and attrs in repr.""" T_ATTR_DESC = " - {api_type} attribute {attr!r} of type {attr_type!r}" """:obj:`str`: Template for attr line in :meth:`api_attrs_desc`.""" T_DESC = "Defined attributes:" """:obj:`str`: Template for first line in :meth:`api_attrs_desc`.""" API_STR = [ "id", "name", "display_name", "value", "type", "public_flag", "hidden_flag", "question", "query_text", "question_text", "expiration", "saved_question", ] """:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: Attrs to display in str or to put first in repr."""
[docs] def __copy__(self): """Support shallow copy for self. Returns: :obj:`ApiItem` """ return self.__class__(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Support deep copy for self. Returns: :obj:`ApiItem` """ self_dict = self.serialize(wrap_name=False) new_dict = copy.deepcopy(self_dict, memo) return self.__class__(**new_dict)
[docs] def __eq__(self, value): """Support for self == value. Args: value (:obj:`dict` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`ApiModel` or :obj:`object`): Value for comparison. Notes: * If value is a dict, it will be turned into an ApiModel. * If this object is an ApiList and value is a list, it will be turned into an ApiList. * If value is turned into or already is an ApiModel, it will be serialized into a dict/list. * Finally, actual comparison of value is done against this object serialized into a dict/list. Returns: :obj:`bool` """ sargs = {"wrap_name": False, "wrap_item_attr": False} this = self.serialize(**sargs) if isinstance(value, dict): value = self.__class__(**value) elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(self, ApiList): value = self.__class__(*value) if isinstance(value, ApiModel): value = value.serialize(**sargs) return this == value
[docs] def __ne__(self, value): """Support for self != value. Args: value (:obj:`dict` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`ApiModel` or :obj:`object`): Value for comparison. Returns: :obj:`bool` """ return not self == value
[docs] @classmethod def api_attrs(cls): """Get simple and complex attributes combined. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return dict(list(cls.API_SIMPLE.items()) + list(cls.API_COMPLEX.items()))
[docs] @classmethod def api_attrs_repr(cls): """Get attributes for repr formatting. Notes: Will return attrs without dupes in order of priority to show on format string from :attr:`API_STR`, :attr:`API_STR_ADD`, and :meth:`api_attrs`. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ api_attrs = cls.api_attrs() show_attrs = cls.API_STR + cls.API_STR_ADD + list(api_attrs) attrs = [] for attr in show_attrs: if attr not in attrs and (attr in api_attrs or hasattr(cls, attr)): attrs.append(attr) return attrs or list(api_attrs)
[docs] @classmethod def api_attrs_str(cls): """Get attributes for str formatting. Notes: Will return attrs without dupes in order of priority to show on format string from :attr:`API_STR` and :attr:`API_STR_ADD`. If no attrs from :attr:`API_STR` and :attr:`API_STR_ADD` exist in :meth:`api_attrs`, return all attrs from :meth:`api_attrs`. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ api_attrs = cls.api_attrs() show_attrs = cls.API_STR + cls.API_STR_ADD attrs = [] for attr in show_attrs: if attr not in attrs and (attr in api_attrs or hasattr(cls, attr)): attrs.append(attr) return attrs or list(api_attrs)
[docs] @classmethod def api_attrs_desc(cls): """Get description of attrs from :attr:`API_SIMPLE` and :attr:`API_COMPLEX`. Notes: Used by exceptions to add defined attributes to error messages. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ tmpl = cls.T_ATTR_DESC.format lines = [] lines.append(cls.T_DESC) for attr, attr_type in cls.API_SIMPLE.items(): desc = tmpl(api_type="simple", attr=attr, attr_type=attr_type) lines.append(desc) for attr, attr_type in cls.API_COMPLEX.items(): desc = tmpl(api_type="complex", attr=attr, attr_type=attr_type) lines.append(desc) return lines
[docs] @classmethod def api_coerce_int(cls, value): """Try to coerce value into :obj:`int` if possible. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Object to coerce into int. Returns: :obj:`int` or :obj:`object` if unchanged. """ try: return int(value) except Exception: return None if value == "" else value
# REST GetResultData can return "max_available_age" of ""
[docs] @classmethod def api_coerce_float(cls, value): """Try to coerce value into :obj:`float` if possible. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Object to coerce into float. Returns: :obj:`float` or :obj:`object` if unchanged. """ try: return float(value) except Exception: return value
[docs] @classmethod def api_coerce_list(cls, value): """Coerce value into :obj:`list` if it is not already. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Object to coerce into list. If value is None, will return empty list. Returns: :obj:`list` or :obj:`object` if unchanged. """ if value is None: return [] if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return [value] return value
[docs] @classmethod def api_coerce_simple(cls, value, be_type): """Try to coerce a value into a simple type. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Value that should be coerced. be_type (:class:`object`): Type that value should be coerced to. Returns: :obj:`float` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`str` or :obj:`object` if unchanged. """ if be_type == float_types and not isinstance(value, float_types): return cls.api_coerce_float(value=value) elif be_type == integer_types: if isinstance(value, bool) or not isinstance(value, integer_types): return cls.api_coerce_int(value=value) elif be_type == string_types and isinstance(value, simple_types): return format(value) return value
[docs] @classmethod def api_coerce_complex(cls, value, be_type): """Try to coerce a value into a complex type. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Value that should be coerced. be_type (:class:`object`): Type that value should be coerced to. Returns: :obj:`ApiItem` or :obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`object` if unchanged. """ if not isinstance(value, be_type): if isinstance(value, dict): return be_type(**value) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return be_type(*value) return value
[docs] def api_coerce_value(self, attr, value): """Perform type checking of value. Will coerce value into expected type if needed and possible. Args: attr (:obj:`str`): Attribute that is being set with value on obj. value (:obj:`object`): Value of attr being checked. Raises: :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.AttrTypeError`: If value is not the expected type after all of this magic. :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.AttrUndefinedError`: If value type is not :data:`simple_types` and attr is not in :attr:`api_attrs`. :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.AttrUndefinedWarning`: If value type is :data:`simple_types` and attr not in :attr:`api_attrs`. Notes: No checking or coercion is done if: * value is None * attr starts with "_" * attr is all upper case Returns: :obj:`object` """ if value is None or attr.startswith("_") or attr.isupper(): return value if attr not in self.api_attrs(): if isinstance(value, bool) or isinstance(value, integer_types): self.API_SIMPLE[attr] = integer_types elif isinstance(value, float_types): self.API_SIMPLE[attr] = float_types elif isinstance(value, string_types): self.API_SIMPLE[attr] = string_types else: raise exceptions.AttrUndefinedError(obj=self, attr=attr, value=value) warnings.warn( exceptions.AttrUndefinedWarning(obj=self, attr=attr, value=value) ) be_type = self.api_attrs()[attr] if attr in self.API_SIMPLE: value = self.api_coerce_simple(value=value, be_type=be_type) if attr in self.API_COMPLEX: value = self.api_coerce_complex(value=value, be_type=be_type) if isinstance(value, be_type) or value is None: return value raise exceptions.AttrTypeError( obj=self, value=value, attr=attr, be_type=be_type )
[docs]class ApiItem(ApiModel): """Model for a complex item in the API.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = None """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_LIST_CLS = None """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor. Args: **kwargs: Set and checked using :meth:`ApiModel.api_attrs`. """ for attr in self.api_attrs(): setattr(self, attr, kwargs.pop(attr, None)) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return number of :meth:`ApiModel.api_attrs` that are not None. Returns: :obj:`int` """ api_attrs = self.api_attrs() set_attrs = [k for k in api_attrs if getattr(self, k, None) is not None] return len(set_attrs)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show object info using :meth:`ApiModel.api_attrs_str`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ show_attrs = self.api_attrs_str() attrs = [] for attr in show_attrs: value = getattr(self, attr, None) tmpl = self.T_ATTR_STR if attr in self.API_COMPLEX else self.T_ATTR_REPR attrs.append(tmpl.format(attr=attr, value=value)) attrs = self.T_ATTR_JOIN.join(attrs) return self.T_CLS_STR.format(obj=self, attrs=attrs)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Show object info using :meth:`ApiModel.api_attrs_repr`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ show_attrs = self.api_attrs_repr() attrs = [] for attr in show_attrs: value = getattr(self, attr, None) tmpl = self.T_ATTR_REPR attrs.append(tmpl.format(attr=attr, value=value)) attrs = self.T_ATTR_JOIN.join(attrs) return self.T_CLS_REPR.format(obj=self, attrs=attrs)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Enforce type using :meth:`ApiModel.api_coerce_value`.""" value = self.api_coerce_value(attr=attr, value=value) super(ApiItem, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
[docs] def serialize( self, empty=False, list_attrs=False, exclude_attrs=None, only_attrs=None, wrap_name=True, wrap_item_attr=True, ): """Serialize this object into a dict. Args: empty (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include attrs that have a value of None when serializing. Defaults to: False. list_attrs (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include simple attrs of :obj:`ApiList` when serializing. Defaults to: False. exclude_attrs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): Exclude these attrs when serializing. Defaults to: None. only_attrs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): Include only these attrs when serializing. Defaults to: None. wrap_name (:obj:`bool`, optional): Wrap return in a dict with key of :attr:`ApiModel.API_NAME` and value of return. Defaults to: True. wrap_item_attr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Wrap return in a dict with key of :attr:`ApiList.API_ITEM_ATTR` and value of return. Only used when serializing items of type :obj:`ApiList`. Defaults to: True. Notes: All child objects will get wrap_name=False. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ exclude_attrs = self.api_coerce_list(value=exclude_attrs) only_attrs = self.api_coerce_list(value=only_attrs) ret = {} sargs = { "empty": empty, "exclude_attrs": exclude_attrs, "only_attrs": only_attrs, "list_attrs": list_attrs, "wrap_name": False, "wrap_item_attr": wrap_item_attr, } for attr in self.api_attrs(): if attr in exclude_attrs or (only_attrs and attr not in only_attrs): continue value = getattr(self, attr, None) is_model = isinstance(value, ApiModel) value = value.serialize(**sargs) if is_model else value include = (value is None and empty) or value is not None ret.update({attr: value} if include else {}) if wrap_name: ret = {self.API_NAME: ret} return ret
[docs]class ApiList(ApiModel): """Model for an array in the API.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = None """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = None """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds.""" LIST = None """:obj:`list` of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`: List container for this class.""" T_CLS_STR = "{obj.__class__.__name__}({attrs}) with {count} {item_cls} objects" """:obj:`str`: Template for class name and attrs in str."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor. Args: *args: Items of type :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`: Will be added to :attr:`LIST`. **kwargs: attr from :attr:`API_ITEM_ATTR` (:obj:`list`): List of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` to add to :attr:`LIST`. rest of kwargs: Set on this object with type checking using. """ super(ApiList, self).__setattr__("LIST", []) # support obj(item1, item2, **kwargs) items = list(args) # support obj(item_attr=value) if self.API_ITEM_ATTR in kwargs: value = kwargs.pop(self.API_ITEM_ATTR) # support obj(self.API_ITEM_ATTR=(item1, item2)) if isinstance(value, tuple): value = list(value) # support obj(self.API_ITEM_ATTR=None) if value is None: value = [] # support obj(self.API_ITEM_ATTR=item1) if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] # finally, support obj(self.API_ITEM_ATTR=[item1, item2]) items += value self.LIST = items for attr in self.api_attrs(): setattr(self, attr, kwargs.pop(attr, None)) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show object info using :meth:`ApiModel.api_attrs_str`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ show_attrs = self.api_attrs_str() attrs = [] for attr in show_attrs: value = getattr(self, attr, None) tmpl = self.T_ATTR_STR if attr in self.API_COMPLEX else self.T_ATTR_REPR attrs.append(tmpl.format(attr=attr, value=value)) attrs = self.T_ATTR_JOIN.join(attrs) return self.T_CLS_STR.format( obj=self, attrs=attrs, count=len(self), item_cls=self.api_item_cls_str() )
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Show object info using :meth:`ApiModel.api_attrs_repr`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ show_attrs = self.api_attrs_repr() attrs = [] tmpl = self.T_ATTR_REPR for attr in show_attrs: value = getattr(self, attr, None) attrs.append(tmpl.format(attr=attr, value=value)) value = [format(i) for i in self] attrs.append(tmpl.format(attr=self.API_ITEM_ATTR, value=value)) attrs = self.T_ATTR_JOIN.join(attrs) return self.T_CLS_REPR.format(obj=self, attrs=attrs)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return length of list container :attr:`LIST`. Returns: :obj:`int` """ return len(self.LIST)
[docs] def __contains__(self, value): """Support in operand. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Check if this value in :attr:`LIST`. Notes: Will call :meth:`api_coerce_item` to check value is of type defined in :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`, but will return False if value is of wrong type and can not be coerced. Returns: :obj:`bool`: """ try: value = self.api_coerce_item(item=value, items=None, attr=None, op="in") except Exception: return False return value in self.LIST
[docs] def __add__(self, value): """Support + operand. Args: value (:obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`): ApiList of this same type or a python list type to combine with this object. Notes: This will use :meth:`api_coerce_items` to perform type checking on each item in value. Returns: :obj:`ApiList`: A new instance with list items from this object combined with list items from value. """ api_attrs = self.api_attrs() val_items = self.api_coerce_items(attr=None, value=value, op="+=") mod_items = val_items + self.LIST attrs = {k: getattr(self, k, None) for k, v in api_attrs.items()} return self.__class__(*mod_items, **attrs)
[docs] def __iadd__(self, value): """Support += operand. Args: value (:obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`): ApiList of this same type or a python list type to combine with this object. Notes: This will use :meth:`api_coerce_items` to perform type checking on each item in value. Returns: :obj:`ApiList`: This object with list items from value appended. """ mod_items = self.api_coerce_items(attr=None, value=value, op="+=") self.LIST += mod_items return self
[docs] def __getitem__(self, value): """Support indexing of list container. Args: value (:obj:`int`): Index of item to retrieve from :attr:`LIST`. Returns: :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`: The type of object this list contains. """ return self.LIST[value]
[docs] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Enforce type checking for attr and value. Args: attr (:obj:`str`): Attribute to set on this object. value (:obj:`object`): Value to perform type checking on using :func:`ApiModel.api_coerce_value`. Notes: If attr is either "LIST" or :attr:`API_ITEM_ATTR`, will use :meth:`api_coerce_items` to perform type checking on each item in value. If attr is same as :attr:`API_ITEM_ATTR`, the attr will be changed to "LIST". """ if attr in [self.API_ITEM_ATTR, "LIST"]: value = self.api_coerce_items(attr=attr, value=value, op="=") attr = "LIST" else: value = self.api_coerce_value(attr=attr, value=value) super(ApiList, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
[docs] def api_coerce_items(self, attr, value, op): """Check that value is a list type and that all items value are the proper type. Args: attr (:obj:`str`): Attribute being set on this object. value (:obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`): The list object holding items that should have type checking. op (:obj:`str`): Operation being performed that called this method. Used in exception messages. Raises: :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.ListTypeError`: If value is not a :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` or an :obj:`ApiList` that is the same type as this objects class. Notes: Will call :meth:`api_coerce_items_hook` before checking each item in value, which can be overridden by subclasses to modify value. Will call :meth:`api_coerce_item` to check each item in value is of type defined in :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of items with their values checked and coerced. """ if value is None: return [] is_list = isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) is_same = isinstance(value, self.__class__) if not any([is_list, is_same]): raise exceptions.ListTypeError(obj=self, attr=attr, value=value, op=op) value = self.api_coerce_items_hook(attr=attr, value=value, op=op) return [ self.api_coerce_item(item=i, items=value, attr=attr, op=op) for i in value ]
[docs] def api_coerce_items_hook(self, attr, value, op): """Check hook that allows subclasses to modify list items. Args: attr (:obj:`str`): Attribute being set on this object. value (:obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`): The list object holding items. op (:obj:`str`): Operation being performed that called this method. Notes: By default, this does nothing but return value unchanged. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of items modified or as is. """ return value
[docs] def api_coerce_item(self, item, items, attr, op): """Perform type checking of a list item. Args: item (:obj:`object`): Item that is being checked. items (:obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`): The list object that item came from. op (:obj:`str`): Operation being performed that called this method. Used in exception messages. Notes: Will coerce item into expected type if needed and possible. Raises: :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.ListItemTypeError`: If item does not match the type from :obj:`API_ITEM_CLS` and it can not be coerced into the expected type. Returns: :obj:`object` """ be_type = self.API_ITEM_CLS be_map = { float_types: self.api_coerce_float, integer_types: self.api_coerce_int, } if be_type in be_map and not isinstance(item, be_type): coercer = be_map[be_type] item = coercer(value=item) elif self.api_item_cls_is_complex(): if isinstance(item, dict): item = be_type(**item) elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): item = be_type(*item) if be_type is not None and not isinstance(item, be_type): raise exceptions.ListItemTypeError( obj=self, item=item, items=items, op=op, attr=attr, be_type=be_type ) return item
[docs] @classmethod def api_attrs_desc(cls): """Get simple and complex attributes of an ApiModel object in string format. Notes: Used by exceptions to add defined attributes to error messages. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ lines = super(ApiList, cls).api_attrs_desc() tmpl = cls.T_ATTR_DESC.format desc = tmpl(api_type="List", attr=cls.API_ITEM_ATTR, attr_type=cls.API_ITEM_CLS) lines.append(desc) return lines
[docs] @classmethod def api_item_cls_str(cls): """Get str of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ classes = cls.api_coerce_list(cls.API_ITEM_CLS) names = [x.__name__ for x in classes if hasattr(x, "__name__")] names = names or ["ANY TYPE"] return ", ".join(names)
[docs] @classmethod def api_item_cls_is_complex(cls): """Check if :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` is an ApiModel sub class. Returns: :obj:`bool` """ check = cls.api_coerce_list(cls.API_ITEM_CLS) return any(issubclass(x, (ApiItem, ApiList)) for x in check)
[docs] def append(self, value): """Support appending an item to list container. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Item to append to :attr:`LIST`. Notes: Will call :meth:`api_coerce_item` to check value is of type defined in :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS`. """ value = self.api_coerce_item(item=value, items=None, attr=None, op="append()") self.LIST.append(value)
[docs] def remove(self, value): """Support removing an item from list container. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Item to remove from :attr:`LIST`. """ value = self.api_coerce_item(item=value, items=None, attr=None, op="remove()") return self.LIST.remove(value)
[docs] def pop(self, value=-1): """Support pop of an item from list container. Args: value (:obj:`object`, optional): Item to pop from :attr:`LIST`. Defaults to: -1. """ return self.LIST.pop(value)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Support reverse on list container.""" self.LIST.reverse()
[docs] def get_item_by_attr(self, value, attr="name", regex_value=False): """Support getting an item from list container by attr value. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Value to check against the attr value of each item in :attr:`LIST`. attr (:obj:`str`, optional): Attribute to check if value matches. Defaults to: "name". regex_value (:obj:`bool`, optional): Treat value as a regex pattern instead of comparing equality of value to attr value. Defaults to: False. Raises: :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.GetSingleItemError`: If number of items in :attr:`LIST` whose attr value matches value is either 0 or more than 1. Returns: :obj:`object`: The object from :attr:`LIST` whose attr value matches value. """ items = [] for i in self.LIST: ival = getattr(i, attr, None) if regex_value and, format(ival)): items.append(i) elif ival == value: items.append(i) if len(items) == 1: return items[0] raise exceptions.GetSingleItemError( obj=self, value=value, attr=attr, regex_value=regex_value, items=items )
[docs] def get_items_by_attr(self, value, attr="name", regex_value=False, new_list=False): """Support getting items from list container by attr value. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Value to check against the attr value of each item in :attr:`LIST`. attr (:obj:`str`, optional): Attribute to check if value matches. Defaults to: "name". regex_value (:obj:`bool`, optional): Treat value as a regex pattern instead of comparing equality of value to attr value. Defaults to: False. new_list (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return a new class of this objects type with matching items instead of a regular python list type. Defaults to: False. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`object`: All objects from :attr:`LIST` whose attr value matches value. """ items = [] for i in self.LIST: ival = getattr(i, attr, None) if regex_value and, format(ival)): items.append(i) elif ival == value: items.append(i) return self.__class__(*items) if new_list else items
[docs] def pop_item_by_attr(self, value, attr="name", regex_value=False): """Support popping an item from list container by attr value. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Value to check against the attr value of each item in :attr:`LIST`. attr (:obj:`str`, optional): Attribute to check if value matches. Defaults to: "name". regex_value (:obj:`bool`, optional): Treat value as a regex pattern instead of comparing equality of value to attr value. Defaults to: False. Raises: :exc:`pytan3.api_models.exceptions.GetSingleItemError`: If number of items in :attr:`LIST` whose attr value matches value is either 0 or more than 1. Returns: :obj:`object`: The object popped from :attr:`LIST` whose attr value matches value. """ item = self.get_item_by_attr(value, attr, regex_value) return self.LIST.pop(self.LIST.index(item))
[docs] def pop_items_by_attr(self, value, attr="name", regex_value=False, new_list=False): """Support popping items from list container by attr value. Args: value (:obj:`object`): Value to check against the attr value of each item in :attr:`LIST`. attr (:obj:`str`, optional): Attribute to check if value matches. Defaults to: "name". regex_value (:obj:`bool`, optional): Treat value as a regex pattern instead of comparing equality of value to attr value. Defaults to: False. new_list (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return a new class of this objects type with matching items instead of a regular python list type. Defaults to: False. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`object`: All objects popped from :attr:`LIST` whose attr value matches value. """ items = self.get_items_by_attr(value, attr, regex_value, new_list) for i in items: self.LIST.remove(i) return items
[docs] def sort(self, key=operator.attrgetter("id"), reverse=False): """Support sorting items in list container in place. Args: key (:obj:`object`, optional): Key to sort items in :attr:`LIST` on. Defaults to: operator.attrgetter("id"). reverse (:obj:`bool`, optional): Reverse the sort mechanism. Defaults to: False. """ self.LIST.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
[docs] def serialize( self, empty=False, list_attrs=False, exclude_attrs=None, only_attrs=None, wrap_name=True, wrap_item_attr=True, ): """Serialize this object into a dict. Args: empty (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include attrs that have a value of None when serializing. Defaults to: False. list_attrs (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include simple attrs of :obj:`ApiList` when serializing. Defaults to: False. exclude_attrs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): Exclude these attrs when serializing. Defaults to: None. only_attrs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): Include only these attrs when serializing. Defaults to: None. wrap_name (:obj:`bool`, optional): Wrap return in a dict with key of :attr:`ApiModel.API_NAME` and value of return. Defaults to: True. wrap_item_attr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Wrap return in a dict with key of :attr:`ApiList.API_ITEM_ATTR` and value of return. Only used when serializing items of type :obj:`ApiList`. Defaults to: True. Notes: All child objects will get wrap_name=False. If wrap_name and wrap_item_attr are both False, return will be :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`, otherwise return will be a :obj:`dict`. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`object` or :obj:`dict` """ exclude_attrs = self.api_coerce_list(value=exclude_attrs) only_attrs = self.api_coerce_list(value=only_attrs) sargs = { "empty": empty, "exclude_attrs": exclude_attrs, "only_attrs": only_attrs, "list_attrs": list_attrs, "wrap_name": False, "wrap_item_attr": wrap_item_attr, } simples = {} if list_attrs: for attr in self.api_attrs(): if attr in exclude_attrs or (only_attrs and attr not in only_attrs): continue value = getattr(self, attr, None) is_model = isinstance(value, ApiModel) value = value.serialize(**sargs) if is_model else value include = (value is None and empty) or value is not None simples.update({attr: value} if include else {}) items = [i.serialize(**sargs) if isinstance(i, ApiModel) else i for i in self] if wrap_item_attr: ret = {} ret.update(simples) sub_ret = {self.API_ITEM_ATTR: items} if wrap_name: sub_ret = {self.API_NAME: sub_ret} ret.update(sub_ret) return ret if wrap_name: ret = {} ret.update(simples) ret.update({self.API_NAME: items}) return ret return items