Source code for pytan3.api_objects.soap_7_3_314_3424

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Python objects for Tanium's API."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six

from .. import api_models
from . import exceptions

float_types = (float,)
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: Float types."""

integer_types = six.integer_types
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: Integer types."""

string_types = six.string_types
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: String types."""

simple_types = tuple(list(integer_types) + list(string_types) + list(float_types))
""":obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`: All types that should be considered simple types."""

TYPE = "soap"
""":obj:`str`: Type of API this module was built from."""

API_DT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
""":obj:`str`: Datetime format for this API type and version."""

[docs]def api_fixes(): """Fix incorrect attribute definitions on auto generated ApiModel classes.""" models = get_api_all_model() fix = {"deleted_flag": "integer_types"} models["SavedQuestion"].API_SIMPLE.update(fix) fix = {"external_flag": "integer_types"} models["User"].API_SIMPLE.update(fix) fix = {"cache_row_id": "integer_types"} models["AuditData"].API_SIMPLE.update(fix) fix = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} models["AuditDataList"].API_COMPLEX.update(fix)
[docs]def expand_cls_globals(): """Replace str values with global vars for attrs on ApiModel classes. Quite the funky chicken dance for solving issues with order of class definition. """ item_classes = ApiItem.__subclasses__() list_classes = ApiList.__subclasses__() for c in item_classes: c.API_SIMPLE = expand_global(obj=c.API_SIMPLE) c.API_COMPLEX = expand_global(obj=c.API_COMPLEX) c.API_LIST_CLS = expand_global(obj=c.API_LIST_CLS) for c in list_classes: c.API_SIMPLE = expand_global(obj=c.API_SIMPLE) c.API_COMPLEX = expand_global(obj=c.API_COMPLEX) c.API_ITEM_CLS = expand_global(obj=c.API_ITEM_CLS)
[docs]def expand_global(obj): """Replace str values with global vars recursively. Args: obj (:obj:`str` or :obj:`dict` or :obj:`list`): Object to expand into global var. Returns: :obj:`str` or :obj:`dict` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`object`: String objects are the only ones that will be expanded. """ if isinstance(obj, string_types): if obj == "None": return None try: return globals()[obj] except Exception: return obj if isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: expand_global(obj=v) for k, v in obj.items()} if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [expand_global(obj=v) for v in obj] return obj
[docs]def get_api_all_item(): """Get map of class name to class for all ApiItem subclasses. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return {c.__name__: c for c in ApiItem.__subclasses__()}
[docs]def get_api_all_list(): """Get map of class name to class for all ApiList subclasses. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return {c.__name__: c for c in ApiList.__subclasses__()}
[docs]def get_api_all_model(): """Get map of class name to class for all ApiItem and ApiList subclasses. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ return {c.__name__: c for c in ApiItem.__subclasses__() + ApiList.__subclasses__()}
[docs]class ApiModel(api_models.ApiModel): """Model for a complex item in the API.""" pass
[docs]class ApiItem(ApiModel, api_models.ApiItem): """Model for a complex item in the API.""" pass
[docs]class ApiList(ApiModel, api_models.ApiList): """Model for an array in the API.""" pass
[docs]class ResultInfoList(ApiList): """Manually defined API array object.""" API_NAME = "result_infos" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"now": "string_types", "max_available_age": "integer_types"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["now", "max_available_age"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "result_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ResultInfo" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Make repr output be same as str output. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs]class ResultInfo(ApiItem): """Manually defined API object.""" API_NAME = "result_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "age": "integer_types", "archived_question_id": "integer_types", "error_count": "integer_types", "estimated_total": "integer_types", "expire_seconds": "integer_types", "id": "integer_types", "issue_seconds": "integer_types", "mr_passed": "integer_types", "mr_tested": "integer_types", "no_results_count": "integer_types", "passed": "integer_types", "question_id": "integer_types", "report_count": "integer_types", "row_count": "integer_types", "row_count_flag": "integer_types", "row_count_machines": "integer_types", "saved_question_id": "integer_types", "seconds_since_issued": "integer_types", "select_count": "integer_types", "tested": "integer_types", } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [ "question_id", "estimated_total", "row_count", "mr_tested", "mr_passed", ] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ResultInfoList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "result_infos" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Make repr output be same as str output. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs]class ResultSetList(ApiList): """Manually defined API array object.""" API_NAME = "result_sets" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"now": "string_types"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["now"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "result_set" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ResultSet" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class MergedResultSet(ApiItem): """Manually defined API object.""" API_NAME = "merged_result" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"now": "string_types", "max_available_age": "string_types"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"result_infos": "ResultInfoList", "result_sets": "ResultSetList"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["now", "max_available_age"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = None """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ResultSet(ApiItem): """Manually defined API object.""" API_NAME = "result_set" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "age": "integer_types", "archived_question_id": "integer_types", "cache_id": "integer_types", "error_count": "integer_types", "estimated_total": "integer_types", "expiration": "integer_types", "expire_seconds": "integer_types", "filtered_row_count": "integer_types", "filtered_row_count_machines": "integer_types", "id": "integer_types", "issue_seconds": "integer_types", "item_count": "integer_types", "mr_passed": "integer_types", "mr_tested": "integer_types", "no_results_count": "integer_types", "passed": "integer_types", "question_id": "integer_types", "report_count": "integer_types", "row_count": "integer_types", "row_count_machines": "integer_types", "saved_question_id": "integer_types", "seconds_since_issued": "integer_types", "select_count": "integer_types", "tested": "integer_types", } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cs": "ColumnList", "rs": "RowList"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [ "question_id", "estimated_total", "mr_tested", "mr_passed", "row_count", "columns", ] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ResultSetList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "result_sets" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor. Notes: Sets :attr:`Column.API_DATA_SET` so column objects can access rows. Sets :attr:`RowColumn.API_COLUMN` to the index correlated :obj:`Column` so row columns can access the column name, result type, etc. Sets :attr:`Column.API_IDX` and :attr:`RowColumn.API_IDX` so column objects know what their index is without having to do lookups. Args: **kwargs: Passed back to parent class. """ super(ResultSet, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cs = ColumnList() if self.cs is None else self.cs = RowList() if is None else for row in self.rows: for idx, row_column in enumerate(row): row_column.API_COLUMN = self.columns[idx] row_column.API_IDX = idx for idx, column in enumerate(self.columns): column.API_DATA_SET = self column.API_IDX = idx
@property def rows(self): """Expose complex attr "rs" as "rows". Returns: :obj:`list` """ return @property def columns(self): """Expose complex attr "cs" as "columns". Returns: :obj:`list` """ return self.cs
[docs]class ColumnList(ApiList): """Manually defined API array object.""" API_NAME = "cs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["names"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "c" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Column" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Make repr output be same as str output. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
@property def names(self): """Expose column names of all :obj:`Column` in this obj. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ return [ for x in self]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, value): """Support indexing of :attr:`names`. Args: value (:obj:`int` or :obj:`str`): If int: Index of item to retrieve from simple attr "c". If str: Column name to index correlate from :attr:`names` Returns: :attr:`RowColumn`: The RowColumn object at index value from :attr:`names`. """ if isinstance(value, string_types): try: value = self.names.index(value) except ValueError: error = [ "Valid Column Names:", "{vc}", "{c!r} is an invalid column name in this data set", ] error = "\n ".join(error) error = error.format(c=value, vc=self.names) raise exceptions.ModuleError(error) return self.LIST[value]
[docs]class Column(ApiItem): """Manually defined API object.""" API_DATA_SET = None """:obj:`ResultSet`: Parent of this object, set by :meth:`ResultSet.__init__`.""" API_IDX = None """:obj:`int`: Index of this object in :obj:`ColumnList`.""" API_NAME = "c" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"dn": "string_types", "rt": "integer_types", "wh": "integer_types"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["name", "result_type", "hash"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ColumnList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "cs" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls.""" @property def name(self): """Expose simple attr "dn" as name. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.dn @property def hash(self): """Expose simple attr "wh" as hash. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.wh @property def type(self): """Expose simple attr "rt" as type. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.rt @property def result_type(self): """Expose simple attr "rt" as result_type. Notes: Will try to map str from "rt" as int to constants from :attr:`Sensor.API_CONSTANTS`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ sensor = get_api_all_model()["Sensor"] constants = sensor.API_CONSTANTS.items() result_map = {v: k for k, v in constants if not k.lower().endswith("sensor")} result_type = self.api_coerce_int(self.type) return result_map.get(result_type, result_type)
[docs] def get_values(self, attr="value", join=None): """Get values of this column from all rows. Args: attr (:obj:`str`, optional): Attribute to get values of. Defaults to: "value". join (:obj:`str`, optional): String to join multi value columns. Defaults to: None. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ values = [] for row in self.API_DATA_SET.rows: row_column = row[self.API_IDX] row_column_values = row_column.get_values(attr=attr, join=join) values.append(row_column_values) return values
[docs]class RowList(ApiList): """Manually defined API array object.""" API_NAME = "rs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "r" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Row" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Make repr output be same as str output. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs]class Row(ApiItem): """Manually defined API object.""" API_NAME = "r" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types", "cid": "integer_types"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"c": "RowColumnList"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["id", "cid", "columns"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "rs" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_LIST_CLS = "RowList" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Make repr output be same as str output. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, value): """Support indexing of :attr:`names`. Args: value (:obj:`int` or :obj:`str`): If int: Index of item to retrieve from :attr:`names`. If str: Column name to index correlate from :attr:`ColumnList.names` Returns: :attr:`RowColumn`: The RowColumn object at index value from :attr:`names`. """ if isinstance(value, string_types): try: value = self.names.index(value) except ValueError: error = [ "Valid Column Names:", "{vc}", "{c!r} is an invalid column name in this data set", ] error = "\n ".join(error) error = error.format(c=value, vc=self.names) raise exceptions.ModuleError(error) return self.columns[value]
@property def names(self): """Return the names of each row column from :attr:`RowColumn.API_COLUMN`. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ return [ for x in self.columns] @property def columns(self): """Expose complex attr "c" as "columns". Returns: :obj:`RowColumnList` """ return self.c
[docs] def __len__(self): """Expose length of :attr:`columns`. Returns: :obj:`int` """ return len(self.columns)
[docs] def get_values(self, meta=False, hashes=False, join=None): """Get all values from all columns in this row. Args: meta (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include sensor hash and result type for each column. Defaults to: False. hashes (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include hashes of values. Defaults to: False. join (:obj:`str`, optional): String to join multi value columns. Defaults to: None. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ values = {} for idx, column in enumerate(self.columns): values[] = column.get_values(attr="value", join=join) if hashes: key = "{} Hash Values".format( values[key] = column.get_values(attr="hash", join=join) if meta: key = "{} Sensor Hash".format( values[key] = column.hash key = "{} Result Type".format( values[key] = column.result_type return values
[docs]class RowColumnList(ApiList): """Manually defined API array object.""" API_NAME = "rc" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "row_columns" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "RowColumn" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs] def api_coerce_items_hook(self, attr, value, op): """Check hook that allows subclasses to modify list items. Args: attr (:obj:`str`): Attribute being set on this object. value (:obj:`ApiList` or :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`): The list object holding items. op (:obj:`str`): Operation being performed that called this method. Examples: This converts all "v" attributes of each column for this row into a list of dicts: >>> # single value columns "v" is a single dict: >>> {"v": {"h": "", "text": ""}} >>> # multiple value columns "v" is a list of dict: >>> {"v": [{"h": "", "text": ""}, {"h": "", "text": ""}]} >>> # Count columns "v" is a string: >>> {"v": "1"} >>> # all become: >>> {"v": [{"text": "", "hash": ""}]} Notes: The driving force behind this is basically just the Count column. It returns a string of the value, instead of a dict or a list of dicts. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of items modified or as is. """ items = [] for item in value: do_fix = isinstance(item, dict) and isinstance(item["v"], string_types) item["v"] = {"text": item["v"], "h": None} if do_fix else item["v"] item["v"] = self.api_coerce_list(item["v"]) items.append(item) return items
[docs]class RowColumn(ApiList): """Manually defined API array object.""" API_COLUMN = None """:obj:`Column`: Index correlated column, set by :meth:`ResultSet.__init__`.""" API_IDX = None """:obj:`int`: Index of this object in :obj:`RowColumnList`.""" API_NAME = "row_column" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["name", "hash", "result_type"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "v" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "RowValue" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds.""" @property def name(self): """Expose column name from :attr:`API_COLUMN`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return @property def result_type(self): """Expose column result type from :attr:`API_COLUMN`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.API_COLUMN.result_type @property def hash(self): """Expose column sensor hash from :attr:`API_COLUMN`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.API_COLUMN.hash
[docs] def get_values(self, attr="value", join=None): """Get all values from this row column. Args: attr (:obj:`str`, optional): Attribute to get values of. Defaults to: "value". join (:obj:`str`, optional): String to join multi value columns. Defaults to: None. Returns: :obj:`list` or :obj:`str` """ values = [] for row_value in self: value = getattr(row_value, attr) values.append("" if value is None else value) if join: values = join.join([format(v) for v in values]) return values
[docs]class RowValue(ApiItem): """Manually defined API object.""" API_NAME = "v" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"h": "integer_types", "text": "string_types"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = ["hash", "value"] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "RowColumn" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "row_column" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls.""" @property def hash(self): """Expose simple attr "h" as hash. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.h @property def value(self): """Expose simple attr "text" as value. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.text
[docs]class SensorQuery(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_query" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_query" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "platform": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "script": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "script_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "signature": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SensorQueryList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "sensor_querys" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SensorSubcolumn(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_subcolumn" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_subcolumn" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "index": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "value_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "ignore_case_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "exclude_from_parse_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SensorSubcolumnList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "sensor_subcolumns" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SensorStat(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_stat" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_stat" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "what_hash": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "real_ms_min": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "real_ms_max": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "real_ms_avg": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "real_ms_std": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "user_ms_avg": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "user_ms_std": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "sys_ms_avg": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "sys_ms_std": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "read_bytes_avg": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "read_bytes_std": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "write_bytes_avg": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "write_bytes_std": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "other_bytes_avg": "float_types", # noqa: E501 "other_bytes_std": "float_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SensorStatList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "sensor_stats" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SavedActionPolicy(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "saved_action_policy" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_action_policy" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "saved_question_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_group_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "row_filter_group_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "max_age": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "min_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "saved_question_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "row_filter_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SavedActionApproval(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "saved_action_approval" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_action_approval" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "owner_user_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "approved_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"metadata": "MetadataList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SavedActionApprovalList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "saved_action_approvals" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SavedAction(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "saved_action" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_action" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "comment": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "status": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "issue_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "distribute_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "end_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "action_group_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "public_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "policy_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "approved_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "issue_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "creation_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "next_start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "user_start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "package_spec": "PackageSpec", # noqa: E501 "action_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "target_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "policy": "SavedActionPolicy", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 "row_ids": "SavedActionRowIdList", # noqa: E501 "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "approver": "User", # noqa: E501 "last_action": "Action", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SavedActionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "saved_actions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Sensor(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "sensor" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "hash": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "string_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "category": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "description": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "source_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "source_hash": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "source_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "parameter_definition": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "max_age_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "ignore_case_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "exclude_from_parse_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "delimiter": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "creation_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "modification_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_modified_by": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "preview_sensor_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "keep_duplicates_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "content_set": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "queries": "SensorQueryList", # noqa: E501 "parameters": "ParameterList", # noqa: E501 "subcolumns": "SensorSubcolumnList", # noqa: E501 "mod_user": "User", # noqa: E501 "string_hints": "StringHintList", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = { "WMI_SENSOR": 1, "BES_SENSOR": 2, "VBS_SENSOR": 4, "PSHELL_SENSOR": 5, "MULTITYPE_SENSOR": 6, "JS_SENSOR": 7, "PY_SENSOR": 8, "HASH_RESULT": 0, "TEXT_RESULT": 1, "VERSION_RESULT": 2, "NUMERIC_RESULT": 3, "BES_DATETIME_RESULT": 4, "IP_RESULT": 5, "WMI_DATETIME_RESULT": 6, "TIMEDIFF_REUSLT": 7, "DATASIZE_RESULT": 8, "NUMERIC_INTEGER_RESULT": 9, "REGEX_RESULT": 11, } """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SensorList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "sensors" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class AuditData(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "audit_data" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "audit_data" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "object_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "details": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "creation_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "modification_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_modified_by": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "modifier_user_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"mod_user": "User"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "AuditDataList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "audit_datas" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class AuditLog(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "audit_log" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "audit_log" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "end_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"entries": "AuditDataList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "AuditLogList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "audit_logs" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Server(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "server" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "heart_beat": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ServerList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "servers" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class MetadataItem(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "metadata_item" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "metadata_item" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "admin_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "MetadataList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "metadatas" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Filter(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "filter" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "filter" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "operator": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "not_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "max_age_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "ignore_case_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "all_values_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "substring_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "substring_start": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "substring_length": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "delimiter": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "delimiter_index": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "utf8_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "aggregation": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "all_times_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "end_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"sensor": "Sensor"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "FilterList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "filters" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class IdReference(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "id_reference" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "id_reference" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Group(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "and_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "not_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "source_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "track_computer_id_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "track_computer_id_interval": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "sub_groups": "GroupList", # noqa: E501 "filters": "FilterList", # noqa: E501 "parameters": "ParameterList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "GroupList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Select(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "select" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "select" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "sensor": "Sensor", # noqa: E501 "filter": "Filter", # noqa: E501 "group": "Group", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SelectList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "selects" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class XmlError(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "xml_error" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "xml_error" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "exception": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "error_context": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ErrorList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "errors" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class CacheInfo(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "cache_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "cache_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "cache_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "page_row_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "filtered_row_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expiration": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"errors": "ErrorList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class QuestionListInfo(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "question_list_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "question_list_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "highest_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "total_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Question(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "skip_lock_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expiration": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "is_expired": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "query_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "action_tracking_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "force_computer_id_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "index": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "from_canonical_text": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "selects": "SelectList", # noqa: E501 "context_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "management_rights_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "saved_question": "SavedQuestion", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "QuestionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class PackageFileTemplate(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "package_file_template" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_file_template" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "hash": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "source": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "download_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PackageFileTemplateList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "package_file_templates" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class PackageFileStatus(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "package_file_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_file_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "server_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "server_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "status": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_status": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_message": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "bytes_downloaded": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "bytes_total": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_download_progress_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PackageFileStatusList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "package_file_statuss" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class PackageFile(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "package_file" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_file" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hash": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "size": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "source": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "download_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "trigger_download": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_status": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "status": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "bytes_downloaded": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "bytes_total": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_download_progress_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"file_status": "PackageFileStatusList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PackageFileList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "package_files" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class PackageSpec(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "package_spec" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_spec" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "display_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "command": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "command_timeout": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "process_group_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "signature": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "source_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "source_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "source_hash": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "source_hash_changed_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "verify_group_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "verify_expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "skip_lock_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "parameter_definition": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "creation_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "modification_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_modified_by": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "available_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "last_update": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "content_set": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "files": "PackageFileList", # noqa: E501 "file_templates": "PackageFileTemplateList", # noqa: E501 "verify_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "parameters": "ParameterList", # noqa: E501 "sensors": "SensorList", # noqa: E501 "mod_user": "User", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PackageSpecList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "package_specs" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ClientStatus(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "client_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "client_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "host_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "computer_id": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "ipaddress_client": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "ipaddress_server": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "protocol_version": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "full_version": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_registration": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "send_state": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "receive_state": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "status": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "port_number": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "public_key_valid": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "registered_with_tls": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SystemStatusList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "system_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SystemSetting(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "system_setting" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "system_setting" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "default_value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "setting_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "read_only_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "audit_data": "AuditData", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SystemSettingList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "system_settings" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SoapError(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "soap_error" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "soap_error" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "object_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "exception_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "context": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "object_request": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class WhiteListedUrl(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "white_listed_url" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "white_listed_url" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "chunk_id": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "download_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "url_regex": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"metadata": "MetadataList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "WhiteListedUrlList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "white_listed_urls" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class VersionAggregate(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "version_aggregate" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "version_aggregate" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "version_string": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "filtered": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "VersionAggregateList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "version_aggregates" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SystemStatusAggregate(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "system_status_aggregate" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "system_status_aggregate" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "send_forward_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "send_backward_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "send_none_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "send_ok_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "receive_forward_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "receive_backward_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "receive_none_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "receive_ok_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "slowlink_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "blocked_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "leader_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "normal_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "registered_with_tls_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"versions": "VersionAggregateList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class UserRole(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "user_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "description": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"permissions": "PermissionList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "UserRoleList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "roles" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class UserOwnedObjectIds(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "user_owned_object_ids" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user_owned_object_ids" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "saved_actions": "SavedActionList", # noqa: E501 "saved_questions": "SavedQuestionList", # noqa: E501 "plugin_schedules": "PluginScheduleList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class User(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "user" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "domain": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "display_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "group_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "effective_group_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "last_login": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "active_session_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "local_admin_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "locked_out": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "permissions": "PermissionList", # noqa: E501 "roles": "UserRoleList", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_roles": "ContentSetRoleList", # noqa: E501 "effective_content_set_privileges": "EffectiveContentSetPrivilegeList", # noqa: E501 "owned_object_ids": "UserOwnedObjectIds", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "UserList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "users" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ActionListInfo(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "action_list_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action_list_info" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "highest_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "total_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Action(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "action" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "comment": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "start_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "expiration_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "status": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "skip_lock_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "distribute_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "creation_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "stopped_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "target_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "action_group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "package_spec": "PackageSpec", # noqa: E501 "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "approver": "User", # noqa: E501 "history_saved_question": "SavedQuestion", # noqa: E501 "saved_action": "SavedAction", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ActionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "actions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ActionStop(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "action_stop" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action_stop" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"action": "Action"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ActionStopList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "action_stops" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ArchivedQuestion(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "archived_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "archived_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ArchivedQuestionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "archived_questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SavedQuestion(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "saved_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "seeding_question_ids": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "public_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "issue_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "issue_seconds_never_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "expire_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sort_column": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "query_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "row_count_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "keep_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "archive_enabled_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "skip_schedule_on_update_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "most_recent_question_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "action_tracking_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "mod_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "index": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "content_set": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "question": "Question", # noqa: E501 "packages": "PackageSpecList", # noqa: E501 "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "archive_owner": "User", # noqa: E501 "mod_user": "User", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SavedQuestionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "saved_questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ParseJob(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "parse_job" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parse_job" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "question_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "parser_version": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ParseJobList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "parse_jobs" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Parameter(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "parameter" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parameter" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "key": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ParameterList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "parameters" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ParseResult(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "parse_result" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parse_result" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "parameter_definition": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"parameters": "ParameterList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ParseResultList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "parse_results" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SensorReference(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_reference" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_reference" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "start_char": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "real_ms_avg": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SensorReferenceList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "sensor_references" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ParseResultGroup(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "parse_result_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parse_result_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "score": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "question_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "parse_results": "ParseResultList", # noqa: E501 "question": "Question", # noqa: E501 "question_group_sensors": "SensorList", # noqa: E501 "parameter_values": "ParameterValueList", # noqa: E501 "sensor_references": "SensorReferenceList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ParseResultGroupList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "parse_result_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ClientCount(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "client_count" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "client_count" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"count": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class PluginArgument(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_argument" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_argument" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PluginArgumentList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "plugin_arguments" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class UploadFile(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "upload_file" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "upload_file" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "key": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "destination_file": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "hash": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "force_overwrite": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "file_size": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "start_pos": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "bytes": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "file_cached": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "part_size": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "percent_complete": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "UploadFileList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "upload_files" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class UploadFileStatus(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "upload_file_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "upload_file_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "hash": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "percent_complete": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "file_cached": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"file_parts": "UploadFileList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Plugin(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "plugin" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "bundle": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "plugin_server": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "input": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "script_response": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "exit_code": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "path": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "filename": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "plugin_url": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "run_detached_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "execution_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "timeout_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_row_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "local_admin_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "allow_rest": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "raw_http_response": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "raw_http_request": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "use_json_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "status": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "status_file_content": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "arguments": "PluginArgumentList", # noqa: E501 "sql_response": "PluginSql", # noqa: E501 "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 "commands": "PluginCommandList", # noqa: E501 "permissions": "PermissionList", # noqa: E501 "content_set": "ContentSet", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {"SQL": "SQL", "SCRIPT": "Script"} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PluginList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "plugins" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class PluginSchedule(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_schedule" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_schedule" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "plugin_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "plugin_bundle": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "plugin_server": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "start_hour": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "end_hour": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "start_date": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "end_date": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "run_on_days": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "run_interval_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "enabled": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "input": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_run_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_exit_code": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "last_run_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "modification_time": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "arguments": "PluginArgumentList", # noqa: E501 "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "last_run_sql": "PluginSql", # noqa: E501 "mod_user": "User", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "PluginScheduleList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "plugin_schedules" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ComputerGroupSpec(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "computer_group_spec" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "computer_group_spec" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "computer_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "ip_address": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ComputerSpecList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "computer_specs" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ComputerGroup(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "computer_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "computer_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"computer_specs": "ComputerSpecList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ComputerGroupList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "computer_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class VerifySignature(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "verify_signature" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "verify_signature" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "bytes": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "verified": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ObjectList(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "object_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "object_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "export_id": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "server_info": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "import_content": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "export_version": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "question": "Question", # noqa: E501 "questions": "QuestionList", # noqa: E501 "group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "groups": "GroupList", # noqa: E501 "saved_question": "SavedQuestion", # noqa: E501 "saved_questions": "SavedQuestionList", # noqa: E501 "archived_question": "ArchivedQuestion", # noqa: E501 "archived_questions": "ArchivedQuestionList", # noqa: E501 "parse_job": "ParseJob", # noqa: E501 "parse_jobs": "ParseJobList", # noqa: E501 "parse_result_group": "ParseResultGroup", # noqa: E501 "parse_result_groups": "ParseResultGroupList", # noqa: E501 "action": "Action", # noqa: E501 "actions": "ActionList", # noqa: E501 "saved_action": "SavedAction", # noqa: E501 "saved_actions": "SavedActionList", # noqa: E501 "action_stop": "ActionStop", # noqa: E501 "action_stops": "ActionStopList", # noqa: E501 "package_spec": "PackageSpec", # noqa: E501 "package_specs": "PackageSpecList", # noqa: E501 "package_file": "PackageFile", # noqa: E501 "package_files": "PackageFileList", # noqa: E501 "sensor": "Sensor", # noqa: E501 "sensors": "SensorList", # noqa: E501 "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "users": "UserList", # noqa: E501 "user_group": "UserGroup", # noqa: E501 "user_groups": "UserGroupList", # noqa: E501 "solution": "Solution", # noqa: E501 "solutions": "SolutionList", # noqa: E501 "action_group": "ActionGroup", # noqa: E501 "action_groups": "ActionGroupList", # noqa: E501 "roles": "UserRoleList", # noqa: E501 "client_status": "ClientStatus", # noqa: E501 "system_setting": "SystemSetting", # noqa: E501 "saved_action_approval": "SavedActionApproval", # noqa: E501 "saved_action_approvals": "SavedActionApprovalList", # noqa: E501 "system_status": "SystemStatusList", # noqa: E501 "system_settings": "SystemSettingList", # noqa: E501 "client_count": "ClientCount", # noqa: E501 "plugin": "Plugin", # noqa: E501 "plugins": "PluginList", # noqa: E501 "plugin_schedule": "PluginSchedule", # noqa: E501 "plugin_schedules": "PluginScheduleList", # noqa: E501 "white_listed_url": "WhiteListedUrl", # noqa: E501 "white_listed_urls": "WhiteListedUrlList", # noqa: E501 "upload_file": "UploadFile", # noqa: E501 "upload_file_status": "UploadFileStatus", # noqa: E501 "sensor_stat": "SensorStat", # noqa: E501 "sensor_stats": "SensorStatList", # noqa: E501 "soap_error": "SoapError", # noqa: E501 "computer_groups": "ComputerGroupList", # noqa: E501 "computer_group": "ComputerGroup", # noqa: E501 "content_set": "ContentSet", # noqa: E501 "content_sets": "ContentSetList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_privilege": "ContentSetPrivilege", # noqa: E501 "content_set_privileges": "ContentSetPrivilegeList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role": "ContentSetRole", # noqa: E501 "content_set_roles": "ContentSetRoleList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role_membership": "ContentSetRoleMembership", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role_memberships": "ContentSetRoleMembershipList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role_privilege": "ContentSetRolePrivilege", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role_privileges": "ContentSetRolePrivilegeList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_user_group_role_membership": "ContentSetUserGroupRoleMembership", # noqa: E501 "content_set_user_group_role_memberships": "ContentSetUserGroupRoleMembershipList", # noqa: E501 "effective_content_set_privileges": "EffectiveContentSetPrivilegeRequest", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_package_specs": "SavedQuestionPackageSpecs", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_question": "SavedQuestionQuestion", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_questions": "SavedQuestionQuestionList", # noqa: E501 "audit_log": "AuditLog", # noqa: E501 "audit_logs": "AuditLogList", # noqa: E501 "server_host": "ServerHost", # noqa: E501 "server_hosts": "ServerHostList", # noqa: E501 "ldap_sync_connector": "LdapSyncConnector", # noqa: E501 "ldap_sync_connectors": "LdapSyncConnectorList", # noqa: E501 "server_throttle": "ServerThrottle", # noqa: E501 "server_throttles": "ServerThrottleList", # noqa: E501 "site_throttle": "SiteThrottle", # noqa: E501 "site_throttles": "SiteThrottleList", # noqa: E501 "server_throttle_status": "ServerThrottleStatus", # noqa: E501 "server_throttle_statuses": "ServerThrottleStatusList", # noqa: E501 "site_throttle_status": "SiteThrottleStatus", # noqa: E501 "site_throttles_statuses": "SiteThrottleStatusList", # noqa: E501 "import_conflict_details": "ImportConflictDetailList", # noqa: E501 "hashed_string": "HashedString", # noqa: E501 "hashed_strings": "HashedStringList", # noqa: E501 "verify_signature": "VerifySignature", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ImportConflictDetail(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "import_conflict_detail" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "import_conflict_detail" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "diff": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "is_new": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ImportConflictDetailList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "import_conflict_details" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class CacheFilter(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "cache_filter" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "cache_filter" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "field": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "operator": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "not_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "and_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"sub_filters": "CacheFilterList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "CacheFilterList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "cache_filters" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Options(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "options" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "options" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "export_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "export_format": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "export_leading_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "export_trailing_text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "export_hide_csv_header_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "flags": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hide_errors_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "include_answer_times_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "row_counts_only_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "aggregate_over_time_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "aggregate_by_value_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "no_result_row_collation_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "most_recent_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "include_hashes_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "hide_no_results_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "use_user_context_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "script_data": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "return_lists_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "return_cdata_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "pct_done_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "context_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sample_frequency": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sample_start": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sample_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "audit_history_size": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "suppress_scripts": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "suppress_object_list": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "row_start": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "row_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sort_order": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "filter_string": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "filter_not_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "recent_result_buckets": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_expiration": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cache_sort_fields": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "include_user_details": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "include_user_owned_object_ids_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "include_hidden_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "use_error_objects": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "use_json": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "json_pretty_print": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "live_snapshot_report_count_threshold": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "live_snapshot_expiration_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "live_snapshot_always_use_seconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "live_snapshot_invalidate_report_count_percentage": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "disable_live_snapshots": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "allow_cdata_base64_encode_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "cdata_base64_encoded": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "import_analyze_conflicts_only": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "export_dont_include_related": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "export_omit_soap_envelope": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "import_existing_ignore_content_set": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_qids_reissue_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_qids_allow_multiple_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_qids_include_expired_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_qids_ignore_mr_group_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "cache_filters": "CacheFilterList", # noqa: E501 "import_conflict_options": "ImportConflictOptions", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSet(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "description": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "reserved_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"metadata": "MetadataList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_sets" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSetRolePrivilegeOnRole(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role_privilege_on_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_privilege_on_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "content_set": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "content_set_privilege": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetRolePrivilegeOnRoleList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_set_role_privilege_on_roles" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSetRole(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "description": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "reserved_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "deny_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "all_content_sets_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "category": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "metadata": "MetadataList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role_privileges": "ContentSetRolePrivilegeOnRoleList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetRoleList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_set_roles" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSetRoleMembership(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role_membership" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_membership" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetRoleMembershipList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_set_role_memberships" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSetUserGroupRoleMembership(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_user_group_role_membership" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_user_group_role_membership" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "user_group": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetUserGroupRoleMembershipList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_set_user_group_role_memberships" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSetPrivilege(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "reserved_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "privilege_type": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "privilege_module": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"metadata": "MetadataList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetPrivilegeList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_set_privileges" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ContentSetRolePrivilege(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"id": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "content_set": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "content_set_role": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "content_set_privilege": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ContentSetRolePrivilegeList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "content_set_role_privileges" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class EffectiveContentSetPrivilege(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "effective_content_set_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "effective_content_set_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "content_set": "ContentSet", # noqa: E501 "content_set_privilege_list": "ContentSetPrivilegeList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "EffectiveContentSetPrivilegeList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "effective_content_set_privileges" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Dashboard(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "dashboard" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "dashboard" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "public_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "content_set": "ContentSet", # noqa: E501 "group": "Group", # noqa: E501 "saved_question_list": "SavedQuestionList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "DashboardList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "dashboards" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class DashboardGroup(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "dashboard_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "dashboard_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "public_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "editable_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "other_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "text": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "display_index": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "icon": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "user": "User", # noqa: E501 "content_set": "ContentSet", # noqa: E501 "dashboard_list": "DashboardList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class UserGroup(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "user_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "exclusive_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "user_list": "UserList", # noqa: E501 "content_set_roles": "ContentSetRoleList", # noqa: E501 "group": "Group", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "UserGroupList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "user_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class Solution(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "solution" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "solution" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "solution_id": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "imported_version": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "signature": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_update": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "dup_resolve_type": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "imported_by": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "description": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "category": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "installed_xml_url": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "delete_xml_url": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SolutionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "solutions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ActionGroup(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "action_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "and_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "public_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "groups": "GroupList", # noqa: E501 "user_groups": "UserGroupList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ActionGroupList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "action_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SavedQuestionPackageSpecs(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "saved_question_package_specs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_question_package_specs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "saved_question": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "packages": "PackageSpecList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "None" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SavedQuestionQuestion(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "saved_question_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_question_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "saved_question": "IdReference", # noqa: E501 "questions": "QuestionList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SavedQuestionQuestionList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "saved_question_questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class LdapSyncConnector(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "ldap_sync_connector" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "ldap_sync_connector" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "enable": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "host": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "port": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "secure": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "use_ntlm": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "ldap_user": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "ldap_password": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "base_users": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "filter_users": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "members_only_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "user_id": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "user_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "user_domain": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "user_display_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "user_member_of": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "base_groups": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "filter_groups": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "group_id": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "group_name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "group_member": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_sync_timestamp": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "last_sync_result": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "disable_ldap_auth": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "disable_referrals_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "LdapSyncConnectorList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "ldap_sync_connectors" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ServerThrottle(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "server_throttle" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_throttle" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "ip_address": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "bandwidth_bytes_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "connection_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_bandwidth_bytes_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_connection_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sensor_bandwidth_bytes_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sensor_connection_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ServerThrottleList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "server_throttles" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SiteThrottle(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttle" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "bandwidth_bytes_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_bandwidth_bytes_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sensor_bandwidth_bytes_limit": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "all_subnets_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "deleted_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"subnets": "SiteThrottleSubnetList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SiteThrottleList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "site_throttles" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleSubnet(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttle_subnet" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_subnet" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"range": "string_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SiteThrottleSubnetList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "site_throttle_subnets" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class ServerThrottleStatus(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "server_throttle_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_throttle_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "queue_delay_milliseconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_queue_delay_milliseconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sensor_queue_delay_milliseconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "ServerThrottleStatusList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "server_throttle_statuses" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleStatus(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttle_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "name": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"subnets": "SiteThrottleSubnetStatusList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SiteThrottleStatusList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "site_throttles_statuses" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleSubnetStatus(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttle_subnet_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_subnet_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "range": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "queue_delay_milliseconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "download_queue_delay_milliseconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "sensor_queue_delay_milliseconds": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "SiteThrottleSubnetStatusList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "site_throttle_subnet_statuss" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class HashedString(ApiItem): """Automagically generated API object.""" API_NAME = "hashed_string" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "hashed_string" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "sensor_hash": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "value_hash": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "which_computer_id": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "value": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "error_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "collision_flag": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "first_collision": "string_types", # noqa: E501 "second_collision": "string_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "first_computer_id": "ComputerIdList", # noqa: E501 "second_computer_id": "ComputerIdList", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_LIST_CLS = "HashedStringList" """:class:`ApiList`: List class that holds this item class.""" API_LIST_API_NAME = "hashed_strings" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_LIST_CLS` used in API calls."""
[docs]class SensorQueryList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_querys" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_query_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "query" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SensorQuery" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SensorSubcolumnList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_subcolumns" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_subcolumn_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "subcolumn" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SensorSubcolumn" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class StringHintList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "string_hints" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "string_hint_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "string_hint" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "string_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SensorList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "sensors" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "sensor" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Sensor" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SensorStatList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_stats" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_stat_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "sensor_stat" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SensorStat" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SavedActionApprovalList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "saved_action_approvals" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_action_approval_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "saved_action_approval" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SavedActionApproval" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SavedActionRowIdList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "saved_action_row_ids" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_action_row_id_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "row_id" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "integer_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SavedActionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "saved_actions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_action_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "saved_action" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SavedAction" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class AuditDataList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "audit_datas" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "audit_data_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "entry" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "AuditData" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class AuditLogList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "audit_logs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "audit_log_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "audit_log" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "AuditLog" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ServerList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "servers" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "server" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Server" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ServerHost(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "server_host" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_host" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {"heart_beat_age_in_minute": "integer_types"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "servers" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ServerList" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ServerHostList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "server_hosts" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_host_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "server_host" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ServerHost" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class MetadataList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "metadatas" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "metadata_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "item" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "MetadataItem" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class GroupList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "group_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "group" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Group" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class FilterList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "filters" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "filter_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "filter" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Filter" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SelectList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "selects" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "select_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "select" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Select" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ErrorList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "errors" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "error_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "error" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "XmlError" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class QuestionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "question_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "info": "QuestionListInfo", # noqa: E501 "cache_info": "CacheInfo", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "question" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Question" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PackageFileTemplateList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "package_file_templates" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_file_template_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "file_template" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PackageFileTemplate" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PackageFileStatusList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "package_file_statuss" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_file_status_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "status" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PackageFileStatus" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PackageFileList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "package_files" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_file_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "file" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PackageFile" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PackageSpecList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "package_specs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "package_spec_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "package_spec" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PackageSpec" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class WhiteListedUrlList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "white_listed_urls" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "white_listed_url_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "white_listed_url" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "WhiteListedUrl" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class VersionAggregateList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "version_aggregates" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "version_aggregate_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "version" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "VersionAggregate" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SystemStatusList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "system_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "system_status_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "aggregate": "SystemStatusAggregate", # noqa: E501 "cache_info": "CacheInfo", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "client_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ClientStatus" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SystemSettingList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "system_settings" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "system_setting_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "system_setting" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SystemSetting" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class UserList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "users" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "user" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "User" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PermissionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "permissions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "permission_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = { "ADMIN": "admin", "QUESTION_READ": "question_read", "QUESTION_WRITE": "question_write", "SENSOR_READ": "sensor_read", "SENSOR_WRITE": "sensor_write", "ACTION_READ": "action_read", "ACTION_WRITE": "action_write", "ACTION_APPROVE": "action_approval", "NOTIFICATION_WRITE": "notification_write", "CLIENTS_READ": "clients_read", "QUESTION_LOG_READ": "question_log_read", "CONTENT_ADMIN": "content_admin", } """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "permission" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "string_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class UserRoleList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "roles" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user_role_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "role" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "UserRole" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ActionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "actions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = { "info": "ActionListInfo", # noqa: E501 "cache_info": "CacheInfo", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "action" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Action" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ActionStopList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "action_stops" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action_stop_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "action_stop" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ActionStop" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ArchivedQuestionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "archived_questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "archived_question_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "archived_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ArchivedQuestion" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SavedQuestionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "saved_questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_question_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "saved_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SavedQuestion" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ParseJobList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "parse_jobs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parse_job_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "parse_job" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ParseJob" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ParseResultGroupList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "parse_result_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parse_result_group_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "parse_result_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ParseResultGroup" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ParseResultList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "parse_results" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parse_result_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "parse_result" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ParseResult" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ParameterList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "parameters" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parameter_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "parameter" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Parameter" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ParameterValueList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "parameter_values" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "parameter_value_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "value" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "string_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SensorReferenceList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "sensor_references" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "sensor_reference_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "sensor_reference" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SensorReference" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginArgumentList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_arguments" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_argument_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "argument" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PluginArgument" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginSqlResultList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_sql_results" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_sql_result_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "value" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "string_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginSqlColumnList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_sql_columns" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_sql_column_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "name" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "string_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginSql(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_sql" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_sql" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = { "rows_affected": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 "result_count": "integer_types", # noqa: E501 } """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"columns": "PluginSqlColumnList"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "result_row" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PluginSqlResultList" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginCommandList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_commands" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_command_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "command" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "string_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class UploadFileList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "upload_files" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "upload_file_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "upload_file" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "UploadFile" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugins" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "plugin" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Plugin" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class PluginScheduleList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "plugin_schedules" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "plugin_schedule_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "plugin_schedule" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "PluginSchedule" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ComputerSpecList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "computer_specs" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "computer_spec_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "computer_spec" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ComputerGroupSpec" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ComputerGroupList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "computer_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "computer_group_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {"cache_info": "CacheInfo"} # noqa: E501 """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "computer_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ComputerGroup" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ImportConflictDetailList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "import_conflict_details" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "import_conflict_detail_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "import_conflict_detail" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ImportConflictDetail" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class CacheFilterList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "cache_filters" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "cache_filter_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "filter" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "CacheFilter" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ImportConflictOptions(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "import_conflict_options" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "import_conflict_options" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "import_conflict_option" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "integer_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_sets" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSet" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetRolePrivilegeOnRoleList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role_privilege_on_roles" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_privilege_on_role_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set_role_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSetRolePrivilegeOnRole" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetRoleList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_roles" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set_role" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSetRole" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetRoleMembershipList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role_memberships" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_membership_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set_role_membership" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSetRoleMembership" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetUserGroupRoleMembershipList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_user_group_role_memberships" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_user_group_role_membership_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set_user_group_role_membership" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSetUserGroupRoleMembership" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetPrivilegeList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_privileges" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_privilege_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSetPrivilege" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ContentSetRolePrivilegeList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "content_set_role_privileges" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "content_set_role_privilege_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "content_set_role_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ContentSetRolePrivilege" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class EffectiveContentSetPrivilegeRequest(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "effective_content_set_privilege_request" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "effective_content_set_privilege_request" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "user" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "User" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class EffectiveContentSetPrivilegeList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "effective_content_set_privileges" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "effective_content_set_privilege_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "effective_content_set_privilege" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "EffectiveContentSetPrivilege" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class DashboardList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "dashboards" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "dashboard_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "dashboard" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Dashboard" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class UserGroupList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "user_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "user_group_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "user_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "UserGroup" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SolutionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "solutions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "solution_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "solution" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "Solution" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ActionGroupList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "action_groups" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "action_group_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "action_group" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ActionGroup" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SavedQuestionQuestionList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "saved_question_questions" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "saved_question_question_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "saved_question_question" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SavedQuestionQuestion" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class LdapSyncConnectorList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "ldap_sync_connectors" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "ldap_sync_connector_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "ldap_sync_connector" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "LdapSyncConnector" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ServerThrottleList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "server_throttles" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_throttle_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "server_throttle" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ServerThrottle" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttles" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "site_throttle" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SiteThrottle" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleSubnetList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttle_subnets" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_subnet_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "subnet" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SiteThrottleSubnet" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ServerThrottleStatusList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "server_throttle_statuses" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "server_throttle_status_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "server_throttle_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "ServerThrottleStatus" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleStatusList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttles_statuses" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_status_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "site_throttle_status" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SiteThrottleStatus" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class SiteThrottleSubnetStatusList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "site_throttle_subnet_statuss" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "site_throttle_subnet_status_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "subnet" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "SiteThrottleSubnetStatus" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class ComputerIdList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "computer_ids" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "computer_id_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "id" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "integer_types" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
[docs]class HashedStringList(ApiList): """Automagically generated API array object.""" API_NAME = "hashed_strings" """:obj:`str`: Name of object used in API calls.""" API_NAME_SRC = "hashed_string_list" """:obj:`str`: Name of object in source file.""" API_SIMPLE = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of simple attributes to their types.""" API_COMPLEX = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of complex attributes to their types.""" API_CONSTANTS = {} """:obj:`dict`: Map of constants to their values.""" API_STR_ADD = [] """:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`: Attributes to add to str formatting.""" API_ITEM_ATTR = "hashed_string" """:obj:`str`: Name of :attr:`API_ITEM_CLS` used in API calls.""" API_ITEM_CLS = "HashedString" """:class:`ApiItem`: Item class this list class holds."""
BUILD_META = { "script": "", # Script used to build this file "script_version": "3.0.0", # Version of script used to build this file "script_platform": "Darwin-18.2.0-x86_64-i386-64bit", # OS Platform that ran this build script "script_python": "3.7.2 (default, Feb 20 2019, 14:09:01) ", # Python version that ran this build script "date": "2019-02-22 07:46:01.956314", # Date/time in UTC format of when this file was built "source_file": "/libraries/taniumjs/console.wsdl", # File that was used to auto-generate objects in this file "source_file_date": "2019-02-22 07:29:24.898113", # Date/time in UTC format of the source_file } """:obj:`dict`: How this module was built (date/time in UTC format).""" COMMANDS = [ "AddObject", "GetObject", "MoveObject", "TransferObject", "UpdateObject", "DeleteObject", "GetSavedQuestions", "GetResultInfo", "GetResultData", "GetMergedResultData", "UploadFile", "RunPlugin", "ExportObject", "ImportObject", "VerifySignature", ] """:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`:API commands.""" VERSION = { "major": 7, "minor": 3, "protocol": 314, "build": 3424, "string": "7.3.314.3424", } """:obj:`dict`: Tanium API version these objects are intended to be used for.""" __version__ = VERSION["string"] """:obj:`str`: Tanium API version these objects are intended to be used for.""" api_fixes() expand_cls_globals()