Source code for pytan3.auth_methods.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Exceptions and warnings for :mod:`pytan3.auth_methods`."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from .. import exceptions

[docs]class ModuleError(exceptions.PyTanError): """Parent of all exceptions for :mod:`pytan3.auth_methods`. Thrown by: * :func:`pytan3.auth_methods.load` """ pass
[docs]class ModuleWarning(exceptions.PyTanWarning): """Parent of all warnings for :mod:`pytan3.auth_methods`. Thrown by: """ pass
[docs]class MethodError(ModuleError): """Parent of all :obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod` exceptions. Thrown by: """ msg = "Authentication Method Error!" """:obj:`str`: Error message to use in exception."""
[docs] def __init__(self, auth_method, info=None, response=None): """Constructor. Args: auth_method (:obj:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod`): Object where exception was thrown from. info (:obj:`str`, optional): Additional error info message to show. Defaults to: None. response (:obj:`requests.Response`, optional): Response associated with this exception, if any. Defaults to: None. """ self.auth_method = auth_method self.response = response msgs = ["AuthMethod: {a}".format(a=auth_method)] if response is not None: msgs += [ "Response body: {r}".format(r=response.clean_body), "Request URL: {r!r}".format(r=response.url), "Request method: {r!r}".format(r=response.request.method), "Response status code: {r!r}".format(r=response.status_code), ] msgs.append("Error: {m}".format(m=self.msg)) error = "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(msgs) self.error = error """:obj:`str`: Error message that was thrown.""" super(MethodError, self).__init__(error)
[docs]class InvalidToken(MethodError): """Thrown when validate_token fails. Thrown by: * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.validate` """ msg = "Supplied token is invalid!" """:obj:`str`: Error message to use in exception."""
[docs]class NotLoggedInError(MethodError): """Thrown when logout called before login. Thrown by: * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.validate` * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.logout` * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.logout_all` """ msg = "Not logged in, unable to logout/validate token. Must login first!" """:obj:`str`: Error message to use in exception."""
[docs]class LoginError(MethodError): """Thrown when login response has any status_code other than 200. Thrown by: * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.login` """ msg = "Login failed. Response status code is not 200!" """:obj:`str`: Error message to use in exception."""
[docs]class LogoutError(MethodError): """Thrown when logout fails. Thrown by: * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.logout` * :meth:`pytan3.auth_methods.AuthMethod.logout_all` """ msg = "Logout failed. Verify the supplied credentials!" """:obj:`str`: Error message to use in exception."""