Source code for pytan3.utils.crypt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""PyTan encryption/decryption utilities module."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six

import privy
from . import exceptions

[docs]def encrypt(data, key): """Encrypt data with key using privy. Args: data (:obj:`str`): Data to encrypt with key. key (:obj:`str`): Key to encrypt data with. Returns: :obj:`str` """ data = six.ensure_binary(data) data = privy.hide(secret=data, password=key) data = six.ensure_text(data) return data
[docs]def decrypt(data, key): """Decrypt data with key using privy. Args: data (:obj:`str`): Data to decrypt with key. key (:obj:`str`): Key data was encrypted with. Raises: :exc:`pytan3.utils.exceptions.ModuleError`: On ValueError from privy when decryption fails. Returns: :obj:`str` """ data = six.ensure_binary(data) try: data = privy.peek(hidden=data, password=key) except ValueError: error = "Unable to decrypt {cnt} bytes of data using key {k}, invalid key!" error = error.format(cnt=len(data), k=key) raise exceptions.ModuleError(error) return six.ensure_text(data)