Source code for pytan3.utils.prompts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""PyTan prompting module."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import colorama
import getpass
import logging
import os
import six
import sys
import re


[docs]class ColorWrap(object): """Wrapper for colorama.""" MODE_MAP = {"FORE": colorama.Fore, "BACK": colorama.Back, "STYLE": colorama.Style} """:obj:`dict`: Map of modes this wrapper can expose.""" MODE = "" """:obj:`str`: Mode to wrap around colorama."""
[docs] def __init__(self, mode=""): """Constructor. Args: mode (:obj:`str`, optional): One of keys in :attr:`MODE_MAP`. Defaults to: "". """ self.MODE = mode """:obj:`str`: Mode to wrap around colorama."""
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """Get an attribute from colorama. Args: attr (:obj:`str`): If :attr:`MODE` is in `MODE_MAP`, get uppercased attr from MODE. Returns an empty string if MODE is not in MODE_MAP or attr is not available in MODE_CLS from MODE_MAP[MODE]. Returns: :obj:`str` """ mode = super(ColorWrap, self).__getattribute__("MODE") mode_map = super(ColorWrap, self).__getattribute__("MODE_MAP") mode_cls = mode_map.get(mode.upper(), None) attr = "RESET_ALL" if attr.upper() == "RESET" else attr.upper() color = getattr(mode_cls, attr, "") return color
[docs]class Promptness(object): """Prompt utility class.""" YES_VALUES = ["y.*", "true", "1"] """:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: Valid regex values for truthy-ness.""" NO_VALUES = ["n.*", "false", "0"] """:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: Valid regex values for falsey-ness.""" USE_COLOR = True """:obj:`bool`: Use color in :meth:`prepare`.""" OVERRIDES = None """:obj:`dict`: Default overrides for :meth:`Promptness.ask_dict`.""" TMPLS = { "prompt": ("\n{{f.cyan}}{text}{{s.reset}} [default: {default}]: "), "value": "{{s.reset}}{{}}'{value}'{{s.reset}}", "secure_value": "{{s.reset}}{{}}..HIDDEN..{{s.reset}}", "env_value": ( "\n{{}}OS Environment Variable {env!r} has value {env_value}, " "{{}}{action} override default {default}{{s.reset}}." ), "warn_notty": ( "\n\n{{}}No TTY on stream {stream}, using " "default {default!r} for {text!r}{{s.reset}}\n" ), "warn_option_invalid": ( "\n-- {{}}Value must be one of: {options!r}{{s.reset}}\n" ), "warn_nodefault": ( "\n-- {{}}No default defined, value required!{{s.reset}}" ), "warn_bool_invalid": ( "\n-- {{}}Value must be one of {yes_values!r} or {no_values!r}" "{{s.reset}}" ), "warn_int_invalid": ("\n-- {{}}Value must be a valid number{{s.reset}}"), "warn_text_invalid": ( "\n-- {{}}Value did not match {validate!r}{{s.reset}}" ), "options": ("\nOptions:{options}\n"), "option": ("\n {{f.BLUE}}{opt}{{s.reset}}"), } """:obj:`dict`: String templates used throughout."""
[docs] def __init__(self, input_stream=sys.stdin, output_stream=sys.stderr, lvl="info"): """Constructor. Args: input_stream (:obj:`io.IOBase`, optional): Stream to get input from. Defaults to: :obj:`sys.stdin`. output_stream (:obj:`io.IOBase`, optional): Stream to send output to. Defaults to: :obj:`sys.stderr`. lvl (:obj:`str`, optional): Logging level for this object. Defaults to: "info". """ self.input_stream = input_stream """:obj:`io.IOBase`: Stream to get input from.""" self.output_stream = output_stream """:obj:`io.IOBase`: Stream to send output to.""" self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) """:obj:`logging.Logger`: Log for this object.""" self.log.setLevel(getattr(logging, lvl.upper()))
[docs] def __str__(self): """Show object info. Returns: :obj:`str` """ bits = [ "input={!r}".format(stream_name(self.input_stream)), "output={!r}".format(stream_name(self.output_stream)), ] bits = "({})".format(", ".join(bits)) cls = "{c.__module__}.{c.__name__}".format(c=self.__class__) return "{cls}{bits}".format(cls=cls, bits=bits)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Show object info. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def spew(self, text, **kwargs): """Print output to stream. Args: text (:obj:`str`): String to print. **kwargs: stream (:obj:`io.IOBase`): Stream print to. Defaults to: :attr:`output_stream`. """ stream = kwargs.get("stream", self.output_stream) args = {"end": "", "file": stream} if six.PY3: args["flush"] = True print(text, **args)
[docs] def prepare(self, text, **kwargs): """Format text with colors. Args: text (:obj:`str`): String to format. **kwargs: use_color (:obj:`bool`): True: Replace fore, back, and style with color codes. False: Replace fore, back, and style with empty vals. Defaults to: :attr:`USE_COLOR`. """ use_color = kwargs.get("use_color", self.USE_COLOR) fore = ColorWrap(mode="fore" if use_color else "") back = ColorWrap(mode="back" if use_color else "") style = ColorWrap(mode="style" if use_color else "") return text.format(f=fore, b=back, s=style)
[docs] def get_prompter(self, secure=False): """Get a prompt function. Args: secure (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return getpass.getpass instead of input. Defaults to: False. Returns: :obj:`object` """ return getpass.getpass if secure else six.moves.input
[docs] def prompt(self, text, default=None, **kwargs): """Prompt for a value. Args: text (:obj:`str`): Prompt text from parent for error/warning messages. default (:obj:`object`, optional): Default value to use if no value supplied. Defaults to: None. **kwargs: secure (:obj:`bool`, optional): If value should have its input hidden or not. Defaults to: False. check_tty (:obj:`bool`): Skip TTY checks for input/output stream. Defaults to: False. env_var (:obj:`str`): Replace default with contents of this OS Env. Defaults to: "". rest of kwargs: Passed to :meth:`spew` and :meth:`prepare`. Raises: :exc:`NoTtyError`: If the input or output stream is not attached to a console and check_tty is False. Returns: :obj:`str` """ secure = kwargs.pop("secure", False) check_tty = kwargs.pop("check_tty", True) env_var = kwargs.pop("env_var", "") def_tmpl = "secure_value" if secure and default is not None else "value" def_tmpl = self.TMPLS[def_tmpl] def_text = def_tmpl.format(value="" if default is None else default) if env_var: env_val = os.environ.get(env_var, "") action = "will" if env_val else "will not" env_val_tmpl = "secure_value" if secure and env_val else "value" env_val_tmpl = self.TMPLS[env_val_tmpl] env_val_text = env_val_tmpl.format(value=env_val) prompt_env_tmpl = self.TMPLS["env_value"] prompt_env_text = prompt_env_tmpl.format( env=env_var, env_value=env_val_text, default=def_text, action=action ) prompt_env_text = self.prepare(text=prompt_env_text, **kwargs) self.spew(text=prompt_env_text, **kwargs) default = env_val if env_val else default streams = [self.input_stream, self.output_stream] for stream in streams: if check_tty and not isatty(stream=stream): if default is None: raise NoTtyError(stream=stream, text=text) w = self.TMPLS["warn_notty"].format( stream=stream_name(stream), default=default, text=text ) w = self.prepare(text=w, **kwargs) self.spew(text=w, **kwargs) return default prompt_tmpl = self.TMPLS["prompt"] prompt_text = prompt_tmpl.format(text=text, default=def_text) prompt_text = self.prepare(text=prompt_text, **kwargs) self.spew(text=prompt_text, **kwargs) v = self.get_prompter(secure=secure)("").strip() return format(default) if not v and default is not None else v
[docs] def ask_choice(self, text, choices, default=None, attempts=5, **kwargs): """Prompt user to select from a list of choices. Args: text (:obj:`str`): Text to use when prompting. choices (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): List of choices for user to pick from. default (:obj:`str`, optional): Default value to use if no value supplied. Defaults to: None. attempts (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of attempts to allow empty/invalid input. Defaults to: 5. **kwargs: Passed to :meth`prepare` and :meth:`spew`. Raises: :exc:`InvalidValueError`: If value supplied is not one of choices. :exc:`EmptyValueError`: If no value supplied and no default. Returns: :obj:`str` """ options = [format(x).lower() for x in choices] options_cr = "".join(self.TMPLS["option"].format(opt=x) for x in options) options_csv = ", ".join(options) pre_text = self.TMPLS["options"].format(options=options_cr) pre_text = self.prepare(text=pre_text, **kwargs) invalid_text = self.TMPLS["warn_option_invalid"].format(options=options_csv) invalid_text = self.prepare(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) nodefault_text = self.TMPLS["warn_nodefault"].format() nodefault_text = self.prepare(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) invalid = False for i in range(attempts): self.spew(text=pre_text, **kwargs) value = self.prompt(text=text, default=default, **kwargs) if value: if value.lower() in options: return choices[options.index(value.lower())] self.spew(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) invalid = True elif default is None: self.spew(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) if invalid: raise InvalidValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts) else: raise EmptyValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts)
[docs] def ask_bool(self, text, default=None, attempts=5, **kwargs): """Prompt user to provide yes or no. Args: text (:obj:`str`): Text to use when prompting. default (:obj:`bool` or :obj:`str`, optional): Default value to use if no value supplied. Defaults to: None. attempts (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of attempts to allow empty/invalid input. Defaults to: 5. **kwargs: rest of kwargs: Passed to :meth:`prepare` and :meth:`spew`. Raises: :exc:`InvalidValueError`: If value supplied is not a valid yes/no string. :exc:`EmptyValueError`: If no value supplied and no default. Returns: :obj:`bool` """ text += " (boolean)" invalid_text = self.TMPLS["warn_bool_invalid"].format( yes_values=", ".join(self.YES_VALUES), no_values=", ".join(self.NO_VALUES) ) invalid_text = self.prepare(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) nodefault_text = self.TMPLS["warn_nodefault"].format() nodefault_text = self.prepare(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) invalid = False for i in range(attempts): value = self.prompt(text=text, default=default, **kwargs) if value: if any(re.match(p, value, re.IGNORECASE) for p in self.YES_VALUES): return True if any(re.match(p, value, re.IGNORECASE) for p in self.NO_VALUES): return False self.spew(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) invalid = True elif default is None: self.spew(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) if invalid: raise InvalidValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts) else: raise EmptyValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts)
[docs] def ask_int(self, text, default=None, attempts=5, **kwargs): """Prompt user to provide yes or no. Args: text (:obj:`str`): Text to use when prompting. default (:obj:`int`, optional): Default value to use if no value supplied. Defaults to: None. attempts (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of attempts to allow empty/invalid input. Defaults to: 5. **kwargs: rest of kwargs: Passed to :meth:`prompt` and :meth:`prepare`. Raises: :exc:`InvalidValueError`: If value supplied is not an int. :exc:`EmptyValueError`: If no value supplied and no default. Returns: :obj:`int` """ text += " (integer)" invalid_text = self.TMPLS["warn_int_invalid"].format() invalid_text = self.prepare(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) nodefault_text = self.TMPLS["warn_nodefault"].format() nodefault_text = self.prepare(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) invalid = False for i in range(attempts): value = self.prompt(text=text, default=default, **kwargs) if value: if format(value).isdigit(): return int(value) self.spew(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) invalid = True elif default is None: self.spew(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) if invalid: raise InvalidValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts) else: raise EmptyValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts)
[docs] def ask_str(self, text, default=None, attempts=5, **kwargs): """Prompt user to provide yes or no. Args: text (:obj:`str`): Text to use when prompting. default (:obj:`str`, optional): Default value to use if no value supplied. Defaults to: "". attempts (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of attempts to allow empty/invalid input. Defaults to: 5. **kwargs: empty_ok (:obj:`bool`, optional): Empty input is allowed. Defaults to: False. validate (:obj:`str`, optional): Regex string to validate value. Defaults to: "". rest of kwargs: Passed to :meth:`prompt` and :meth:`prepare`. Raises: :exc:`EmptyValueError`: If no value supplied and no default and not empty_ok. Returns: :obj:`str` """ empty_ok = kwargs.pop("empty_ok", False) validate = kwargs.pop("validate", "") text += " (string)" invalid_text = self.TMPLS["warn_text_invalid"].format(validate=validate) invalid_text = self.prepare(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) nodefault_text = self.TMPLS["warn_nodefault"].format() nodefault_text = self.prepare(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) invalid = False for i in range(attempts): value = self.prompt(text=text, default=default, **kwargs) if value: if validate: match =, value, re.IGNORECASE) if match: return value self.spew(text=invalid_text, **kwargs) invalid = True else: return value elif empty_ok: return value elif default is None: self.spew(text=nodefault_text, **kwargs) continue if invalid: raise InvalidValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts) else: raise EmptyValueError(text=text, attempts=attempts)
# LATER(!) automagic ask method for method
[docs] def ask_dict(self, asks, overrides=None): """Prompt for input from a list of dict. Args: asks (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`): List of dicts with valid kwargs for the various ask methods. overrides: (:obj:`dict`, optional): Dictionary of key / value pairs to over ride the defaults of asks. Defaults to: None. Notes: Keys for ask dict in asks: "method", required: Ask method to use for this ask dict. "key", required: Key to store value returned from ask method in return dict. "text", required: String to use for prompting. "choices", required for :meth:`ask_choice`: List of valid choices for user to pick. "secure", optional for :meth:`ask_str`: Use prompt that hides user input while typing. "default", optional: Default value to use if user does not provide one. "attempts", optional: Number of attempts to allow empty/invalid input. "check_tty", optional: Skip TTY checks for input/output stream. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ over = {} over.update(self.OVERRIDES or {}) over.update(overrides or {}) values = {} # need_keys = ["key", "method", "text"] for ask in asks: # if not any(key in ask for key in need_keys): # error = "Must provide keys {keys!r} in {ask!r}" # error = error.format(keys=need_keys, ask=ask) # raise PromptError(text=error, attempts=0) default = ask.get("default", None) ask["default"] = over.get(ask["key"], default) values[ask["key"]] = getattr(self, ask["method"])(**ask) return values
[docs]class PromptError(Exception): """Parent exception for any errors when prompting. Thrown by: :meth:`Promptness.ask_dict` """ msg = "{text}"
[docs] def __init__(self, text, attempts): """Constructor. Args: text (:obj:`str`): Text to insert into exception message attempts (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of attempts tried before this exception """ msg = self.msg.format(text=text, attempts=attempts) super(PromptError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class InvalidValueError(PromptError): """Thrown when a user provides an invalid value. Thrown by: :meth:`Promptness.ask_choice` :meth:`Promptness.ask_bool` :meth:`Promptness.ask_int` """ msg = "Invalid value supplied for prompt {text!r} after {attempts} attempts"
[docs]class EmptyValueError(PromptError): """Thrown when no default defined and user provides no value. Thrown by: :meth:`Promptness.ask_choice` :meth:`Promptness.ask_bool` :meth:`Promptness.ask_int` :meth:`Promptness.ask_str` """ msg = "No value supplied for prompt {text!r} after {attempts} attempts"
[docs]class NoTtyError(PromptError): """Thrown when a TTY is not attached to a console. Thrown by: :meth:`Promptness.prompt` """
[docs] def __init__(self, stream, text): """Constructor. Args: stream (:obj:`io.IOBase`): Stream that was not attached to a console. text (:obj:`str`): Text to insert into exception message """ stmpl = "{stream}, {name}, {istty}".format streams = [sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr] streams = [ stmpl(stream=s, name=stream_name(s), istty=isatty(s)) for s in streams ] msg = "\n".join( [ "No TTY on stream {s} and no default value for {text!r}, all streams:", " " + "\n ".join(streams), ] ) msg = msg.format(s=stream_name(stream), text=text) super(PromptError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]def stream_name(stream): """Get the name of a stream. Args: stream (:obj:`io.IOBase`): Stream to get name of. Returns: :obj:`str` """ try: return except Exception: return stream.__class__.__name__
[docs]def isatty(stream): """Check if a stream is attached to a console. Args: stream (:obj:`io.IOBase`): Stream to check. Returns: :obj:`bool` """ return stream.isatty() if hasattr(stream, "isatty") else False
promptness = Promptness() """:obj:`Promptness`: Pre-established object for easy usage."""